Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Blogging? Again?

Good grief, here I go again, my umpteenth attempt at blogging. I always start out with best intentions and then quickly fizzle.

My first attempt at blogging was several years ago when I wanted to journal our home educating journey, a diary of sorts, to record all the wonderful things we were experiencing and all the great places we were visiting. But we were having too much fun and keeping ourselves so busy in the process, that it was really hard for me to steal time away from our daily living to record it.

In hindsight, I'm grateful. It's been my life's biggest blessing, to have been able to grow and learn as a parent along side of my children, as they were growing and learning too. Life's no less busy now but the dynamics of our long held routines are changing, and of course the gals are getting older now too and following more individual and independent paths. It's wonderful and rewarding to sit back and watch that happen.

Fast forward to the present and GG Academy's first homeschool grad, Morgen. I may not have journaled but thankfully, we have lots of pictures to joggle our memories. Or maybe I should say mine because my three girls seem to exercise great recall. Especially of places and events they'd reluctantly attended or were so amused by because something unexpected, unusual or particularly funny unfolded -- which happened often.

Hopefully my gals will jump in and share some of their memoirs, thoughts and experiences; it might just give me the incentive I need to keep fueling these pages.

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